Post by Benjamin Zamora on Apr 16, 2007 18:19:30 GMT -5
Ben was bored. And not just the sort of bored where you're reading and can't focus. And not the sort of bored where you're writing and haven't realized you've scribbled off of the page and are attempting to chart planets on the desk. The sort of bored where you've practically resorted into carving things into the person sitting next to you's arm with your quill, or you're trying to spill ink in a particular formation, attention deficit disorder, gouge out your own eyeballs, throw-a-ball-in-the-air-but-too-lazy-to-catch-it bored. Alright, a little graphic. Apparently he was also let creativity-run-wild bored. Ben shook his head quickly. He dug his hands deeper into his pockets. Took a deep breath. Exhaled. He couldn't believe that he was about to do this. Ben shook his head quickly again, this time to clear that overgrown hair out of his eyes. He gingerly placed a hand on the door, and pushed. Oh, merlin. Benjamin Louis Zamora had entered the library, alone, of his own free will. Something was probably not right. The librarian gave him a snooty look, and he managed a weak smile in return. Ben pushed his knit cap farther down onto his head, and ambled over throughout shelves. He found an unoccupied table in a generally bland part of the library. Ben sat down, twiddled his thumbs, and looked around. He definitely felt a little antsy. The weather was too poor to play Quidditch, even for a daredevil like him. He couldn't round up the troops for Hogsmeade, and there were only a bunch of First Years in the common room. Well, someone had to be around to have a chat with, right?
Nikki Compton
Padfoot lives on...we miss Snuffles
Posts: 201
Post by Nikki Compton on Apr 16, 2007 20:19:56 GMT -5
Nikki was sitting under the window in the library, lazily thumbing through a book about magical creatures. She was daydreaming about riding her broom around the school. This could not be done today as it was raining so heavily. She had spent most of the day studying. SOMETHING needed to change. It seemed like it had been raining forever. The first years could easily find something to do. But it seemed the longer you were there, the harder it got to stay occupied. She was just about asleep, and she heard the library door open. A boy walked in. Nikki had never seen him in there before. She wasn't sure if she had really ever seen him before. She watched as he walked to a table next to her. He looked uncomfortable. She brushed her hair from her eyes, and pretended to read her book.
Post by Benjamin Zamora on Apr 16, 2007 21:00:57 GMT -5
Anticipation was eating him alive. However, he was not quite sure of what. There weren't any big tests coming up, no games, no nothin'. This time in the school year was usually a big rut for anything interesting. Ben was the kind of guy that needed constant stimulation to keep him awake. Well, not to make him sound lame or anything. Just that he liked when stuff was happening. And when stuff wasn't happening, no problem, he just created his own. But he felt pretty tense lately, which was weird, but whatever. He was rollin' with it. Hence, his entrance to the library. Ben drummed his fingers on the table, and looked around. At the table next to him was a girl he'd never seen before. At all. He squinted his eyes (his vision was not exactly at its peak) and tried to see the House crest on her robes. After a moment or two, he realized it looked like he was checking her out, and he whipped his eyes away into a different direction. That was all he needed. Someone to slap him. What was up? Ben liked to think of himself as usually pretty smooth. Debuonair, even. He cracked a smile. Alright, Casanova. At least say hi. He pushed his chair back and got out of the seat. He couldn't quite tell from the back how old she was, but even if she didn't turn out to be a Sixth Year like him, there was no reason Ben couldn't be friendly. He dug his hands into his pockets again, and walked over. Pretending to look at a book in the aisle behind the girl, he turned around, looked in her direction, and called out "Hey."[/font]
Nikki Compton
Padfoot lives on...we miss Snuffles
Posts: 201
Post by Nikki Compton on Apr 22, 2007 10:05:54 GMT -5
Slightly startled, Nikki jumped at the sound of the voice. She turned and was a little surprised to see that the voice came from the boy that has just walked in. She smiled and said "hi". He was in Gryffindor and looked a little older than her. Maybe 5th or 6th year? She wasn't too sure. But it wasn't that big of a deal. She was a 4th year. Not that much younger. As she sat there trying to figure him out a little, she realized it was becoming one of those awkward silences. It needed to be broken... "So, lovely rainy day," she said sarcastically. "What are you doing hanging out in the library?"
Post by Bloom Hale on Aug 25, 2007 4:59:13 GMT -5
Bloom walked in the library during a rainy day and was surprised to find only 2 students there. "Might be some homework to do." so she took a book called, Magically Kids and began flipping to the pages.
Bloom read the book very fast in her opinion. In each page she took only 2 minutes to finish and proceed to the next one.
She had to do a list of how to explain apparition to the 6th and 7th years. She conjured a quill, 5 ft of parchment, and an ink well.
She began to write,
Appariton ((What to explain to the 6th years))
Apparition is a kind of magic which transports a witch or wizard to the place they desire within a few seconds (minutes if 50 meters away from the person). A person may hold tha apparitor's hand and apparate or dissaparate along with him/her. This is called Side-Along Apparition. To apparate/ disapparate one must remember and memorize the 3 D's. The 3 D's are destiniation, determination and deliberation. Destination, you must have the clear picture in your mind of the place which you are apparating to and must concentrate on it. Determination, you must be determined to go to the place whihc you are thinking. Deliberation, you musn't move with haste but with deliberation. If those who can't learn fast have to take Apparation lesons for 2 weaks to years. Those who
Bloom stopped and thought about the students behind her. She stood up thoughtfully and went to them and said, "Which of you is a 6th year?"